I am faced with the very human idea of giving someone support and telling them they made a mistake. What is a mistake anyway–just a detour. But if I am a gardener and I want only daisies in this bit of dirt, I plant daisies and pull out the weeds. I’ll let the bright dandelions grow in another patch of the yard.
Being charged with a task that takes a team, I am dependent upon others–just like life. As a manager of a team, I am responsible for the project and need to guide, prune and weed this part of a tiny garden. Somehow I say “thank you,” but this doesn’t work, and you can’t do it like this anymore. How can I help you be successful.
Hilarious. Watching water flow, there is little to control the puddles and flooding. We are a tiny set of beings on a lovely blue-green planet with hysterical story-telling minds. I control nothing; I make up stories.
Today’s story is about being immersed in love, like the rain that drips for days. The birds are brilliantly busy, singing praises to bugs and worms coming up for air. All my words come from the sweet fragrance of the earth to nourish. I speak my truth with compassion. I clarify my boundaries and celebrate the bumping to find out new border markers.