If you have a lot of Virgo & Scorpio in your chart–you don’t have to “believe” in astrology to recognize yourself–taking things seriously and constantly diligently analyzing life. Phew! Exciting drama, death-defying adventure, tense secrets and subterfuge. Deep essential need to be perfect and catatonically stuck, as every step you take might be wrong.
And then there are people who have a lot of air and water–cry when they feel it takes them over, talk, chat, and dance in their head without needing to go anywhere. Tied down only in feeling like a water anchor attached to a soaring kite. Always on the move and no goal in sight.
But for both of us, “why” is a question that just doesn’t work in life. Why sudden meaningless death? Why love without honesty? Why honestly without love? Why BOTHER?! Why forge a goal when a truck could hit? Why why why. Useless question.
The truth is made clear: walking with my three-year old nephew, making up a song about the squirrel crossing, the skinny cat and the heart-stone he spies with his little sharp eyes. It is the fullest of this brilliant natural beauty of here and now, shimmering with color and movement and instant joy.
Maybe, when “why” rears it’s yapping barking voice, we should just give that answer that allows no further conversation: “Because I said so.” Because we said the Word, because we declared the Light, because we decided to be here and now. Just because.