White petunia

I have been bad about keeping up my vegetable garden  It happens a lot.  I get all excited in the spring, dig it out, mulch it up, pull the weeds and plant the seeds.  Then, like this summer, it was so hot, and I am forgetful about watering, that it expired. 

I spied something out there the other day, and I walked up to it, a bit ashamed of my vacillating care.  There, from nowhere, was a proud and pretty white petunia.  I have never planted petunias ever, anywhere.  So this is clearly a gift from Gaia. Perhaps assisted with the poop from a bird, yes, but a gift nonetheless.

My prayer today is that my eyes are completely open, whether in clear or foggy weather, to suck the gifts out of the mist and break out in petunias throughout my every action.