The Way is easy

I forget that often.  The Way, the truth of the Path, is always easy.  If I am struggling, I’m fighting the Path.  Now there are sharp corners on the path along with easy soft curves.  Slowing down and pausing is the best idea when change burst in with a big wind.  Seasons are rarely immediate, they can be predicted, the follow similar routines.

Nature never struggles with the seasons.  Mist comes.  Mist goes.  The center shifts every moment, even if slightly.  And within me, the center is constant.  Relying on the outside world to keep still is useless.  No one, no thing remains the same, neither do they/it follow my instructions–why would my instructions or expectations be the Path?  Hysterical.

I rest along the Way today.  I breathe.  I pause.  I cherish and embrace the next indicated action without judgment, anxiety, argument or relief.  One step.  One step.  One step on the Path at a time.