Surrender for success

What is success anyway?  Money?  Prestige?  Advancement?  For me it is serenity.  The peace of being comfortable with my actions and decisions–no matter how they seem to come out.  Thus if I allow the flow to show me the way to go, it sure is easier than fussing and fighting the current.

I can choose to push out a new direction, despite the tradition, culture, peer and family roar, and that is a time of change..  Just like any season shift, colors are different, weather is new (again), and the landscape changes.

But the awareness after a difficult discussion is an achievement, considering where I spoke compassionate truth and when I insisted on my opinionated righteousness.  Where I “succeeded” and where I “failed”–all of that is a prize.

What is even more swee, is the mornings when I lean on Your shoulder, listening to the lullaby of Your Love.