Story Time

Life is just a big kindergarten with constant story time.  Is it the end of the world, or just my neighborhood–or a jet breaking the sound barrier?  Is it another complete market crash, or a computer glitch?  Is it a war, or time for a compromise?  Are we killing the earth, or will it merely shake us all off one day?

Does she love me?  Is he angry at me–or just in a cranky mood?  Do I have to scream at the grocery clerk or did she just make a mistake?  Shall I take this personal, or am I mad at a memory of my mom?

Pick one.  Any one.  Welcome to earth!

So I want to make a really good story today.  One with flowers and giggles, a tale of creativity rather than woe.  Perhaps I’ll see the snippets of fairies in the trees around my office, and the bushes will talk with me about the spring day.  It could be that my Mom visits, or my Dad calls out from the tree tops with laughter.  Stories like these lift my heart.