Showers of goodness

No matter if all I do is complain about the cold and wet.  The universe showers me with goodness and treasures.  My task is to be completely awake to this perfect rain.

Reminding my body of this goodness is a practice.  Coaxing this dear horse onto the daily path each day, well, is another gift.  She, like most old mares, turns her head to the bed of greens, wants to stay unbridled to roam the day in clover.

But the adventure was to dive into each day as a scout for Spirit–throwing myself into the rollercoaster.  Sometimes even forgetting to lock my seatbelt.

Many mornings I have to hold onto you here, Divine One, and grab your dear arms as they rest on my shoulder  Lean into your tender neck as you whisper in my ear.  Always with each other.  Say it to me again and again until I giggle with you with bowed a tearful nod.