Sailing on the flow

So focusing on an intention can aid that dream to fulfill–especially if action shows the proof of willingness.  Feeling and a concerted thought naturally yields reality.  Consciousness creates form.

It seems like we are all standing in a brilliantly cool river–the Flow, the Tao the Force–and set our little toy sailboats on the current.  Towards–??  Not sure.  We can’t be at the beginning of the river and at the end.  Maybe that’s good–just to create a little paper boat and watch it sail, not worried if it sinks or flows forever.

The point is, perhaps for me, to create the intentional boat of my chosen horizon.  Which current do I want to sail?  I might want to get across the Sound, but in a sailboat that will tack back and forth.  Reminding me that it is the journey, not the destination that is the little sailboat of this human life.

As Hafiz says so well: Me and God are like two big fat people in a tiny boat–we keep bumping into each other and laughing.