Premeditated peace

I’ve been saying lately that I’m practicing the very advanced codependent premeditated shame guilt and trepidation of renewing family relations.

Thus clearly I need to do even more practice on premeditative peace, ease, and comfort.  To get that habit strenghtened to just be.  Be still.  Be at home.  To absorb the very present moment of power, knowing that the I AM is All There Is.

Back to my life as a tree.  Stand rooted in the sweet earth.  Pulling nourishment from within, beneath, constantly.  Still and strong.  Reaching up always, dancing with whatever wind, rain, snow that blows.  Integrity of the now.

And as a human, I bow to Pema today: Let me relate compassionately to where I am and recognize every bit of every moment and predicament as workable, enjoyable, thrilling and as a pathway to peace.