Peace that Surpasses

There is a peace that surpasses all understanding.  It can come as you sit next to the bedside of your mom slowly leaving the world.  Or just before you hand the last piece of chocolate for your old dog to the vet who will administer his last shot.  Perhaps in the middle of screaming about traffic, there is a soft stillness of acceptance just before you open the windows and notice the scent of the pine trees lining the highway.

Near death usually bring a bittersweet peace.  I am here now, not there, then.  I have the workings of my feet and hands and heart and eyes–so far.  If I want to get tho this peace, all I have to do is to recognize the gifts that I have.  Even while I am saying goodbye to those I have enjoyed in the past that now I move move move to another neighborhood perhaps.

Every neighborhood has this peace, and I dwell in the house of my Lady forever.