Pass on Understanding

One of my favorite chants is: “Grant me peace beyond all understanding.”  I used that over and over again seeking a calm mind before I realized it meas that I won’t understand it!  It was eventually revealed to me that “Figure it out” is not one of the 10 commandments, 12 steps, 8 fold path, isn’t mentioned in the Tao Te Ching and has never been a principle of shamans.  In fact, when I surrender to the path, I’m declaring that I don’t have to concern myself with where the heck it is going.

So here we are with this “brilliant” human discerning mind, comparing this and that, there and then, here and now so we don’t get trampled by a buffalo herd or burn my hand in the fire or get slammed by a 18 wheeler.  And then it get’s so sure of itself and lying in bed before touching the floor it decides that the ache in my belly is cancer, I’m late for work, get fired, lose all my money and am on the street alone and unloved.

I pass on this “figuring out” the future.  I let go of understanding the path.  It is gravel, it is solid earth, it is the inspiring breath of wind, it is the fire of each step, it is the sweet water tears of the sky and my eyes.  I throw myself on the path of heaven.