Open arms

“So I come to you with open arms….” a screaming lyric from an old rock song.  Today it is about surrender, letting go.  What an absurd thought to try to control in any case!  But, of course, it is fear that convinces me I have to try to control the uncontrollable.

Courage helps me with the patience to practice and learn to maneuver through new parts of life–living with a cougher, navigating through a new “smart” phone (HA!), the balance between boss and home life.  I can claim and feel serenity at any and all turns if I choose it, walk a bit away, look out at those brilliant teachers, the trees.

It’s the wisdom of knowing the difference between when the choice between serenity and courage is puzzling–that’s the prayer I have most days.  Let me sink into the wisdom that I believe is my chair, my body, my heart and the very air I breathe.

I breathe wisdom in the spirit of the air. I am inspired by the breath that fills my body, heart and soul with Your love for me.