Nothing as my guide

The Tao is No Thing.  God is No Thing.  This morning it is like nothing is happening.  Is it my procrastination?  Is it the wake of winter sliding me down a lazy hill?  Is it tired?  Is it the doldrums of an uneventful holiday looming?  Is it the end of a long month?

It is no thing.

We are meaning-making beings.  Every single thought is meaning placed on the natural easy meaningless flow of life.  Is it rest or meditation?  Is it lazy or stillness?  Is it a catastrophe or a purging of old useless structures?  Is it death or a new freedom?

Dunno.  Trying not to judge.  But my mind certainly has judgments there too.  I’m even tired of being grateful.  Today I think I’ll just listen.

Pink over Orcas