Never say goodbye

Little Mikey Jackson had a song about that, “never say goodbye.”  But this hysterical human illusion keeps telling me that my dog is gone.  Almost 15 years of walking in the morning, feeding twice a day, walking in the evening.  Talking love snippets, slow sauntering through the park, watching him sniff and sniff, diving into bushes for green balls, and nosing canine asses.  My human self just misses that which is only memory.  One moment here, next moment gone.

But truly, we never say goodbye.  Spirit is all there is.  Love is all there is. Even the tears.  I can lean on my Diana goddess while she rides me on the back of Her huge horse, carrying me and surrounded by dashing hounds–my dog one of them.  If human life is an illusion, I can claim any dream I want.

Today’s meditation yields a bear of a man hugging me fiercely around the shoulders and saying “Good girl.  You’re a really good girl.”  Just like I loved him as a dog.

I lean into Diana who takes me away into a new day.  It is a forest of love, dreams of love, life of love.