Natural cycles

I am an astrologer, so I study the seasons, cycles, how the planets shine on each other like night/day, summer/winter and growing seasons for each of us planted so firmly on this lovely earth.

But no matter what I see or how the storm lines up on the weather map, rain is just rain, snow is just snow.  I keep breathing through it even if the earth cracks open beneath my feet unexpectedly–no matter how I study the stars.

But knowing that there is flow, rhythm and polarity, is essential to me.  Recognizing that winter is not constant.  Even the Antarctic has seasons, since we live on a globe.  Circles within circles, seasons within seasons.  It came to pass, not to stay.

My challenge throughout, however, is feeling valid when I stumble., when I am alone and bouncing off the walls of spider solitaire once again, wondering about my next smallest action that seems so useless and fruitless and alone.

I touch that bubble thought with a feather and poof! I am good, whole and snuggled in Your arms once again.