I want my mommy. I wish she was here. She left so early in my life…well not as early as some, but maybe it always seems too early. I feel like I was comforted and seeded well, but then not polished, not told about adulthood, being grown-up, and being a mom myself.
What an experience to mate and hold a human seed in my belly. Watching that bump turn into a baby. Carrying another heart beneath my heart. When my children were pulled from me, I could feel their heart beating for years outside of my body. The invisible cord pumped love and support and returned beauty, wonder and a depth of dimension to spirit. My children are my spiritual teachers, there is no doubt.
Twenty-five years later, she sobs on the phone and the pull of her body grabs my gut, twists my heart and wrings weeping tears as I type. There seems to be so little I can do. My words seem so small, so far away, so trite to comfort.
Thus I turn to my Mommy. I lean into Meera, Durga and Mary. I rest my head into the breast of Grandmother Spider Woman and let her take my sobbing to Her arms. I breathe deep and know that we are always together on this astounding, mysterious, heart-spirit Path together. She is as close to me as my pain, as near as my skin within. I rest in Her Presence.