Mobius stripping II

Look at a mobius strip.

So what the heck does this have to say about partnership.  Dunno.  But something about human coupling is this
phenomena of different but the same.  We
decide to face the world with a commitment to be a couple.  We tell the world–or as many of our family
& friends as can be gathered in one place–that we want to be together, that
we are now two entities addressed as one, residing in the same place (usually),
combining resources, collaborating on goals and sharing ideals.  And so many of us are so different than our
partners.  Are we really opposites, or
are we so far from the beginning of the mobius strip that we’ve forgotten the
bridge that connects us?

Hermetic philosophy (try piecing together the whole
Kybalion someday) describes duality as a huge arch of which we can only discern
the two pillars on either side.  Black
& white, Boam & Joachim, right & wrong, red & blue, you &
me, them & us.  But if it were
traced, if we could visualize through all dimensions, we’d see the top of the
arch where red turns to blue in lavender, you & me come together in
agreement and them & us agree to live in peace.


A partnership of two people is a celebration of their
commitment to this truth of Oneness. 
Plus it is a symbol of the unity within our selves and with whatever
created us.  We were certainly “at one”
with our mothers–there are not many babies completely gestated in test
tubes–yet.  And even at this microscopic
conception opposites become one in a seed that can make others.

There are so many ways to look at this–we are made
of earth, we breath the air, we drink the water, we cook and eat the fire.  It looks like seasons and different forms,
but it is just the perception of change. And as we know now, the only constant in the universe, is change.