Well, my prayer is for peace that surpasses understanding. But maybe it’s my understanding of peace that is messed up. Maybe my craving for no chaos, no confusion, freedom from doubt or discontent–maybe that’s the mess up on my part. Maybe living with a body filled with peace is something different than what I seek.
Maybe just breathing through the day and watching the trees–now that would be peace for me. Sitting and watching the sun (or the rain) move through the light of this tiny planet twirling and swirling. That would be enough for me.
But perhaps that is truly the same as clicking the keys, buying plane tickets, listening to someone cough unceasingly, cold fingers, late for work, interruptions, moving, packing, meetings–maybe all that is like watching the wind waving at the branches and listening to the raindrops on the roof outside my bedroom window.
Wouldn’t that be a nice peace?