Lean on Me

I have to trust before I can lean.  But that’s like thinking about each breath.  I trust the Spirit.  I don’t trust me.  Again and again the truth is that I cannot fail, only walk a detour before I see the hand of Grace in my life.  It is always and everywhere.

Evolving through the breathing of this Spirit’s grace is about relishing in the leaning, aware always that my life depends on my breath of grace.  So I should let grace lead my day, direct my thinking, guide me in all right actions.

I am pulled from matter to spirit, pouting to grace, argument to release each moment.  What would love do? is my guiding light today.  How am I evolving through love right here and right now.  In each action, thought, feeling, let me see the uplifting brilliance of the sweet Path of heaven in front of me.

Especially when I say “no”.  When I choose to do less.  At that moment someone asks me for an appointment, to move up, to do more, I see the Way of love to say, “no thank you.  I prefer to sit and be still.  To know no thing.”