Since physics was not a part of a parochial school curriculum, I’m not sure if I’m remembering the rule right. There’s no such thing as inertia–all of matter is so linked with energy that even if a thing seems to be inert–unmoving–it is buzzing with whirling atoms, electrons, quarks and other funny sounding little dervishes.
Therefore when my brain is sodden with dullness, heart heavy with doubt, arms loose and dangling, the theory is that something is getting ready to happen. Practicing Source energy is what seems to increase Source energy. But it is just the awareness of the River that is flowing constantly. And just because I move around the bend, get ready to shift and/or the geography changes around me, it doesn’t mean the River has disappeared or dried up. It is a function of a new set of glasses and a swing in my perception.
Let’s swing! Get on that little board hanging between two long chains and push off into the horizon!