I am the perpetrator

Another shooting on another campus.  Of course, being in the upscale white Christian part of town, it is a horror.  Shootings take place every day in the down-&-out, lower economic, mixed race part of town.  That doesn’t create such a stir.

This and other examples in my life remind me that until I am completely compassionate with both those who give their lives, those who take lives, “evil actions”–including twisted media–only once I see myself as them, forgive and embrace the hardest part of my shadow, can I be free.

It is in the deepest hole of my darkest shadow that allows me to turn and see the ever-present Light.  The Light never goes away, I have my back to it.  But only realizing that the use of the dark is to face the light, can I release the pain of shame.

Flame on.