Great Full Day

Thick lush green canopy.  Diligently washed path with steady night rain.  Gray comfort clouds. There is never a question of the next indicated action in the woods.  Life is automatically and intrinsically fulfilling.  Food, shelter, communication and just singing is the daily grind.  I seek this soothing peace of being.

With the Divine as my magnetic north, my roots sinking deeper and deeper into gratitude, facing renewal and honoring the natural swing of endings.  My mind set deep in Her heart.  My heart resting in Her mind.  My arms dancing to the music of the Tao, and my legs strong on the power of His path.  When the time comes to seek, I seek.  When it is the moment to rest, I rest in the leisure of the leisure of the leisure of love.

My heart is a wide open clear channel to surge and overflow in deep delight, satisfying intentions and everlasting creations.