God, gods or none?

Lots of debate goes on between philosophies and religion if there are really gods.  But most religions belief in angels.  Why not just hang with them.  Messengers of compassion telling us to lighten up and fly with this human experience.

I like having gods, they are beautiful, strong, smart, ever-present and loving.  Even if this is a pointedness of my focus on the Higher Self within or the Tao flow beyond all images–I’m a human.  I like that I might be in the image of a higher being, that it believes in my–my tiny self on this hurling rock on the edge of a minor universe with billions of others bumping along.

The thought that she rises from the lotus within to rest her head on my shoulder as i write about Her, Her soft giggle when I tell you today she has tossled red curls, is ageless and dressed in yellow flowered silk pajamas–this image of love creates a smile and leads my day.