If I give love the reins of the day, will She take them and keep them in Her graceful hands? Or do I grab them back, frantic that the careening stagecoach of my life is going to crash, distrusting the ever-present sweet soil that always holds me up. Yup, I get scared every other minute.
If I could feel the soft earth of Gaia deep beneath the five stories of concrete and steel, reach my soul roots into Her heart, would it keep me on balance? Why is it that I find myself twirling like a little girl, desperate for the distraction of being dizzy? How can I see through the scattered papers, dashing folks, blinking emails, mixed meetings and messages and see the love beneath it all?
To see the game around it all, that the mind keeps trying to trick me into forgetting my treat–that this breathing scene I’m featured in, is brilliant and beautiful from my toes to my nose, no matter where I go.