Getting Ready

So if time is not real, and the now is all that exists, what really is happening when I am getting ready for something?  I’m off on a trip to “marry my sister”–HA, I love saying that.  I am an ordained minister and I’m officiating her ceremony.  It will be filled with feelings, that’s for sure, for the normal reasons, and that my father has recently been promoted to the other side and won’t be there in body.

But getting ready and being present at the same time.  It is about grace and gratitude that I can fly to the other side of the country, see dear ones from my past, travel through country that is the geography of my heart and be close to faces I’ve witnessed transform.  It is about holding onto my possessions as I pack them: clothes, special outfit, talismans, books, personal effects, jewelry.  I also prepare little treats to hide for my partner that stays behind.

Arrangements are made that my animals will be loved, walked and fed by a friend who cares for them.

And I breathe in the grace of Gaia through the leaves on the shifting trees, the shiny green bushes, the brilliant guest in my abandoned vegetable garden–a white petunia.  The Creator creates for my joy and I send back my love by always being ready to receive.