I’m changing my diet, cutting out all sorts of food that I’m sensitive to. My naturopath checks out my body’s electrical response, and those that don’t have a good relation according to my body are eliminated for a while. Of course, most of what is eliminated are those things I like to eat.
But I feel a bit lighter already. Not quite as heavy and down. I am suspicious of indulgent food making me dull and stupid, sad for no reason and dragging through the day. Then again, sometimes I just don’t like to eat after so many years of reactions to subtle tiny bits of something that will ruin my whole day. I’ve often found myself starving and arguing that I need more caffeine so I set aside the hunger.
But eating the crops–vegetables, and certain meats (God bless the animals who bow into us), carefully and with a close watch, has helped. I am grateful for this shift of self care, as it is so hard sometimes to bow to myself–my dear human body that has carried me so gently through this adventure on earth.
Grateful today–a glimmer of light shines.