Free from the story

The Taoist reading this morning said that we are to “transcend our enslavement with perception.”  What I see that means is to get some distance from the story.  Everything about our lives is a story.  And it does depend on your relative stance and beliefs.  Is it terrorism or a wake-up call?  Is it a sad death or a release from the mortal coil?  Is it a great job or a drudge?  Is it an opportunity or a frightening change?

So what we need are ways to get some distance from the story so it doesn’t hold us captive and ambush us with frantic reactions.  Here’s some of my ideas: 1. Laugh at it.  2. shake my head in disbelief and wonder. 3. chant “I’m safe” over and over again. 4. Pretend I’m on the moon looking down.  5. Pretend I’m going to die tomorrow. 5. See it from the point of view of a tree. 6. Ask myself “why did I design this crazy idea for my life?!” 7. Tell a good friend and see how they see it. 8. Write it down completely, feel it out, and close the document and let it go.  9.  Get too tired to care.  10.  Surrender. 

And laugh out loud.