Filled to still

Verbatim, from a walk on the Way:

The Way is clear, it is my faith that is foggy.

Step in shit; the smell will fade.  The soles will return to hold mere dirt.

The sky is brilliant.

I am warm. I am brilliant, shiney & beautiful.  I am smart.  I am filled still with ease.

The forest seems so fragile since the leaving.  Ideas and demonstrations so staunch are now transparent.

It is before She rises and after She rests that the sky blushes.  Anticipation and gratitude.

It is in bare trees that nests of hope and faith reveal themselves.

Clearing is a cleansing.

The heavens send a sudden season and there is a leaving.  A bare cold feeling without that greening.  She hides within bare branches and covers herselv with ice and snow.  Roots deep in the soil soul grasp the hidden comfort.