Fellow Ship

Like the Ark, so many different animals of us–and not necessarily in pairs–we crowd this ship together.  Bonded by pain and hope, we meet to trade notes on our progress.  We laugh at the idea of perfection, tell jokes about being sober control freaks and being managers with unmanageable lives.

We may profess to be powerless, but we are aligned with an ultimate strength: each other.  I lean on you and you lean back into me and like an archway, we stand and stand and stand.  Beyond and through death, on the other side of disease and loss, and together doing the happy dance about another day watching the grass turn green.

Sometimes I feel we are a ship of fools, but then again, we did all choose to be here.  Whether it was going for the golden ring or the crazy idea of the rock-o-planes of life, I am deeply thoroughly completely tearfully–in every cell of my body–thankful that you are on this ship with me.