Divine Discontent

Snowed in, but no excuse for missing this spiritual practice for four days.  Family, neighbors and a foot of snow that stays and stays and ices and isolates has created snowbanks of illusionary barriers in my heart and mind. 

Slipping on cold irritation.  Crashing through icy barriers of communication.  Trudging through wet slow frozen snow.  Sliding on slick streets of frozen feelings. 

We take so much for granted here in the western world.  Divine discontent blesses us, faces us into the wind of powerlessness when social circles tighten to the cat, snack food, and repeats on TV. 

I call on humility to soften my shoulders and dissolve the crass coral edge in my heart.  I draw on the compassion of the still standing palm tree covered in snow and ice.  Even a fish out of water eventually stops flopping around. 

Be still and feel the whisper of the Lady in my ear singing: tis a gift to be simple, tis a gift to be free, tis a gift to come down where we ought to be.  And when we are in the place just right we will be in the valley of love and delight.  When true simplicity is gained, to laugh, to love, we will not be ashamed.  To turn, to turn will be a delight.  Till by turning, turning we come round right.

May the labyrinth of feelings bless me with tears, fears, irritation, humiliation, softness, grace and peace.  I open my heart, mind and soul to the song of the One that is the seed under the snow, the chirping sparrow on meltling branches, returning light, warm love, center of my world.