It is in the nature of gravel to crunch. Of trees to stand and stretch and of me to wonder, wander and worry. It is my nature to think, compare, discern: “This is not that.” And just as the tree with a fence too close or gravel shoveled, I adjust to what is. Whether we plan it or not. Nature is not into preplanning.
The trick of living with a thinking mind–and it does many tricks–is not to take it too seriously. It discerns, then the heart feels, and hopefully wisdom calls me to the right path. I do not need to dive into despiar or jump through hoops of wild futuristic conclusions. No matter where thoughts take me–I am always on the path of heaven.
Yet we do get disoriented. Standing at the crossroads today, I allow myself to stop right there in the middle of the safety and comfort of the path and sit. Peace to settle around my shoulders, through my body and like silt in the pond, rest beneath me. Clear water of calm. Sweet breath of heaven. Stillness.
Resting in that song of silence, I hear the tingling tune of the Lady and her fairies calling to me, caressing me, serenading me to join them on a deeper path of Her heaven.