Conscious contact

How can you play a game with an opponent that seems invisible?  Or that you feel sometimes you have to strain to hear or understand?

Easy.  You just play.  The pieces of my life move just fine without trying to figure it out, seek out the prior cause, explain the “why” of what happens.  Just play the cards that are dealt.  It is, after all, just one hand of the game.  You will either think you won or lost, and then we all get another deal, another set, another inning, to get up to bat once again.

And as my mom always said, “You can’t strike out unless you get up to bat.”  So catastrophizing about what might happen is another way to stay on the sidelines.  If you don’t make mistakes, you’re not taking risks.  All the skilled competitors didn’t wake up skilled, they practiced and practiced and practiced.  And then some of them got to Carneige Hall, and some of them played real good for free.

I’m off to stretch and tune up for another line up at the goal line!  My Dear Coach is screaming Her love always right behind me.