Only by changing can we meet the flow of the Tao. The river rushes over rocks until the rock polishes or rolls off, the river never hesitates to dance to a new tune instantaneously.
I am not so quick to change, but am called again to bow out of my bloated self to twist and turn. I am amazed at my monkey mind worried about what people will say. Words do somtimes bump up against old walls of expectation. I’m not supposed to need to go that way! It will look demeaning. And not allowing for the Way will twist me in a knot and I will be stuck.
Bend and flow say the trees to me each day. Let the wind be your lover, the river move you, slow then fast then slow again. Only creativity can match the yearn for Her Dance.
I will waltz my Lady, I will jitterbug–teach me a new dance.