Tao is the flow, the Way. The practice of “going with the flow” is ancient. And the practice is hard. Where does the flow go? Sometimes water crashes down hundreds of feet to sharp deadly rocks. Sometimes it is a miniscule trickle. Everything bends to the flow: trees, rocks, villages lost in tsunamis, hearts lost in twisted love.
Love is a hard one to know the flow. We are buffeted since before birth with what love is supposed to look like: do you give your son a lot of money to start a business that he is seems unprepared for? Or do you just support him when his luck is down? Do you try to take care of yourself with retirement planning or do you go with the absurd but strong feeling that you don’t really care. Is love taking care of someone or is it taking care of yourself first–or is that selfishness? Sounds ridiculous doesn’t it. That’s love for you, a test between faith and flow.
I await the gentleness of Her compassion that forever flows out of Her curved bottle. I sit beneath Her statue just so Her eyes rest on me. Just look at me, and I will know where to find You. Whisper in my ears of silence, and I will turn my head to find You always.