Carving a path

How do we really know which way to go when puzzled?  Watch for signs on the path, openings, water, earth rising or falling all indicating a direction.  What about if I’m in the middle of a big lake–or the ocean–with no sign of a shore, compass missing, stars all darkened with clouds?

Or even if letters and calls and appointments and duties line up pointing to individual tasks, what if energy just slips out of my feet and the body, a lump, dumbly decides to ignore it all?

It is a down day, a slow walk, a faithful non-action.  I believe in bliss, eternal safety and know that my feet never leave the path–here or beyond the veil.  I’m just not that comfortable with some human stories.  “You should put your dog down,” or “Listen to my story,” or or or…go take a nap.

The will of Heaven has spoken.  Bless this day.