
Being the oldest of many children, a mother–a single mother–and a type “A” personality, I’ve lived most of my life helping others.  Ok, controlling and manipulating others once in a while too.  In any case, when I was three years old and realized that I was usurped of my princess attention by my little brother, I found that the “big sister” role served me.

I’ve worked hard at balancing out this fabulous instinct to be a helper, friend, big sister that has eclipsed my own self-care.  However it is till not easy to ask for help.  I should be able to do this myself.

Loving the Divine Energy, I am gently reminded that atoning myself to the One means to be “at one” with All That Is.  Asking for help is the same as forgiving myself, loving myself, loving you and holding hands with the global human family united in one mystical body working together.

Therefore, I ask your help.  Please send me a comment about one of my entries.  Hopefully it will be an encouraging comment, but constructive criticism is certainly welcome.  I have received few, and remind myself that a response is not the center of my meditation.  Anything that addresses the content would counteract the the porno spammers that have “commented” that hit me in the heart.

Each morning I listen to the Song of Songs from within my heart, dancing on bird calls, whispering in the wind, bending through the trees.  I hear eternal compassion when I listen.  Whether I hear from anyone or not through this site, I hear the Spirit as She rocks me in Her embracing lullabye of love.

One thought on “Asking

  1. ahhhh… peek through with info about your life, your brother. i love seeing your little face between the flowers and tall wailing trees, big musings, seeing you there behind that goddess skirt, beside that gnesha, holding a star…that wonderful mischievious smile on your face. your perplexity. your wonder.

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