
With my modicum of Latin training–without looking–I’d say that “appreciate” at its core, means “to perceive ahead of time”.  This meaning portends to the idea that gratitude for something causes more of the same to occur.  What I am thankful for–and what I speak about, express, write and scream to the rooftops with feeling and consistent thought–increase.

What I’d like this to work with is for something to happen that hasn’t yet.  Ok, I don’t think I’m making sense, but stay with me here.  I am now grateful for the conversation and evidence in my workplace of thoughtful organization, conscientious expression of guidance, calm appreciation of past work and future abilities, a bestowal of responsibilities that infuse my day with motivation and a recognition of talent.

Phew, lots of big words to say: I am now thoroughly thankful for being seen, appreciated and actively recruited for fun projects.

At the core of which is: I am NOW loved and appreciated.  I am here and now noticed and embraced for talent, abilities, skills, and a calm, helpful manner.

No one at work needs to do this, really.  My mission is to see this in front of me every moment, to perceive in front of me the Beautiful Boss of my life, the Divine One that giggles as She skips ahead of me on the easy, exquisite path in Paradise.  She sometimes turns out of sight and I am catatonic on the path–which turns dark, mysterious, threatening.

She always peeks around the corner, gives me a tender urging–HEY, I’m over here, come ON!  And today resumes it’s walk in the park.