Apathetic Taoist

I wonder if i can claim that today.  Letting things come as they do naturally, and making choices at every breath from this sluggish spot.  I don’t want to take a shower–to go to a cold room, proceed with myriad actions to make myself presentable to those I would lead and interact.

Maybe I’ll call in sick and search for another book escape, curl up on the couch or a favorite chair, a cup of tea and endless fantasy.  Creak my bones and body just to find another comfortable position.

If we accept everything, where is the purpose of a driving force?  To change the world–hilarious.  To help someone–done that for years.  Am I done with that?  Take care of myself?  Why bother?  I will fade like any other flower–beautiful or deformed.

My readings obviously don’t inspire me today, so I will have to lean on my Elephant God, or the strength of a Divine water buffalo sized cow.  Keep me in the center of Your herd.  Nuzzle me forward like a newborn to water.  Push me to a standing poise and lick my face with Your warm loving tongue.  I close my eyes and am comforted by You.