Allowing distraction

It is a distracting season.  The winter solstice, celebration of light in the midst of deepest dark, with all the religious holidays piled on top, reminds me of distraction.  Buying presents for others is distracting.  Wishing I could have this and that, knowing that my wishes are not automatic, but require the practice of intention, are distraction.  Thinking I’ll never get the “practice” of non-work, non-struggle perfected–in itself–is distraction.  And, of course, allowing distraction puts my mind in a twist.

Today I claim the path to simply allow.  Allow allow allow what is to merely be.  Perhaps it can be a key to letting the flow flourish.  A river dammed up does create power, but a river that is allowed to run free most certainly laughs all the way to the ocean.

Sweet heavenly path, I open to your rushing rich release.