Just for today, I’m allowed to feel sad without a distinct reason. I’m allowed to be a bit numb, I can revel in the humanness of feelings. There is no need to react to them–even crying, or screaming or pouting. Just to be.
The old rose bush outside my window is more of a stalk now. It has snowed again and the aire resonates with cold. The trees are black line drawings agains the white morning sky. The sun is so chilly she shines a frosty white instead of bright yellow. But she still shines.
That star rising in the east reminds me that it will be warm today. That there will be smiles and laughter. A tear might fall, and then it will, as all water does, trace its journey to the wide ocean of love and life.
I claim the peace of the backyard today. I call on the Deva that resides with the fairies under the bushes, giggling and snuggling beneath the dead autumn leaves, singing winter holiday songs with the chattering sparrows.