I’m familiar with the study of acting. An amazing amount of work goes into this discipline studying emotions. What does that feel like? What does that feeling look like? How is it different for him, her and me? What would a repressed feeling look like?
Certainly I’ve realized that so much of my life was acting out a role for you. What do you want me to do, feel, say? Ok, I’ll do it. It is like being a chameleon bat–I have to bounce off you what kind of costume and mask that I wear in our conversation and interaction. This presumes that I am, of course, an excellent mind reader. I “assume” I am, that is–and that makes an “ass” out of “u” and “me.” (love that kind of stuff with words)
Today is a splash of cold water on my face to once again ask–what is the real me? What is it that I feel all by myself inside? And if I want to be a different person, what would that feel like?
What if I acted as “if” I were completely happy?!
Some days life is about better and better questions.