
Tao is the movement.  The material is the movement, everything is movement.  But trying to lock anything down into a frozen substance is a hallucination.  You can dissect a frog and learn a lot about it, but it will never do that delightful miracle of a jump ever again.

The mind is desperate to categorize, determine what “this and that” actually “is” so it is safe.  Nothing is what it is.  Everything is more than what it is, and trying to define it means you’re lost to the illusion of human life–distracted by the minutia and missing how goes the flow.

But that’s what us humans do.  Watching out for typos, wondering what the noise is in the other room, hearing the nagging voice that I should be in the shower by now.  Living with the spirit and honoring the spirit.

The sand flows to and fro with the wind on the beach.