What is the spiritual significance of gas? Eating air? Too many beans? Too close to the ground of life? Hot air of arrogance? Bloating of eating too much earth? Whatever it is, I need to learn the lesson because I’ve been dangerously close to killing people in public places with this noxious emissions coming from my body. Yipes!
I’m full of it? That would work no matter if I’m not make loud popping sounds from my bottom end. Needing to produce and create? That would work too. Imbibing rather than producing. There’s another idea. Taking in a bad mix of life? Hmmm, could be.
The opposite would be to cut down on fancy foods–have a fast of intake–and drink lots of water. Allow myself a cry perhaps, Piss away lots of silly thoughts and clean out my plumbing.
Ha, today is certainly about letting go.