Power of serenity

Today it is a prayer of thanksgiving.

THANK you for weekends.  For those days where my contribution to societies churning wheels are not required.  For a morning when I can watch the slivers of gold from the east despite the gray clouds that cover them up to disappear again.

I am grateful to know that I can claim serenity–this Saturday morning serenity–at any time of my life.  This is the truth of Tao–it is a river that flows without judgment endlessly.  It is my choice and power to inflate a little boat and enjoy the ride or fall into the rocky cold water and thrash against the current.

Today I surf the Tao, get done what gets done, plan ahead to giggle while cleaning–thinking of friends to visit.  I have the choice to wear soft comfy scruffy clothes and then don more fancy when I change currents.

I claim the power and goodness of my peace this morning, and bow to the internal everlasting image of the One sitting sweetly, Her vase of compassion flowing endlessly.