Whenever there is something that a part of me wants to do, and another part of me just refuses to go there, I’ve got an invisible story blocking the way. It’s pretty hard to figure out how to get rid of the barrier if you don’t know that you don’t know about it. I just keep bumping into something and believing it’s a wall and won’t move.
But what if it was a story that isn’t true? A lie that is keeping me from moving around more freely. Part of me just doesn’t care. Perhaps it is the dirt inside of me that would be grateful to lie on the earth and be mixed with tree droppings, animal fur and snuggling seeds. Just let me be here and I will be nurturing soil.
But another part of me knows I am human, walk the earth and have choices to make with this silly thing called free will. I question my choices, wonder about what I bump, and frustrated to be two voices pushing and pulling.
Leaning on You, the Presence, i claim ease and groundedness here and now. I am the rich soil and I am a point of action. I rest until ready and I move with clear power. This is the truth I carry, while grasping the hand of Faith.