Wisdom to know

So that famous Serenity Prayer ends with asking for the “wisdom to know the difference” between being serene with acceptance or courageous for change.  So how the freak do we get this so-called wisdom?!

I heard that wisdom was described as intelligence with love.  I think it is only see with proof–that is after I’m serene with acceptance or courageous to change–only myself–then the wisdom is apparent.  Maybe it’s another one of those God jokes: seek and you shall find, ask and you shall receive.  It is in the seeking that one finds, the asking that one receives. 

Maybe it is in the practice of serenity accepting others and the courage changing ourselves that we are living examples–or feel the effect–of wisdom.  I know I don’t feel wise, but I am endlessly grateful for the Divine support to be accepting and have the courage to find new ways to change only me.

Sweet Lady who takes me on a divine magic carpet above my fears, I bow to you forever.