Keeping me awake at night are thoughts plaguing me about the future, how do I work around the furious changes in my office that puzzle me. A peer acts bizarrely and I need to work with her, create a collaborative atmosphere and not get down in the dirt fist-fighting tit-for-tat.
Exploring compassion in the rapids of the flow. Being serene and above it, taking the high road, watching for the rocks ahead as best I can, being prepared for hidden traps and laughing them off.
I guess it’s my river today, exploring deeper ways to be kind and compassionate. To give acceptance, consideration and respect as i would like to receive it. Sometimes it feels like planning a path down a crushing rushing spring swollen river and I have no doubt I will be bumped.
I put Kwan Yin in the front, with a cosmic paddle, we are both outfitted with life preservers and all sorts of rescue devices. She squeals and screams with terrible excitement. No matter what, I am perfectly safe.