So, we can all guess the “spiritual” significance of pain in the back–carrying too much, feeling pushed, unable to lift the load. But letting go and just lying on a heating pad is not always the cure for the inner spirit that insists that the work (lifting, carrying, pushing) can be ignored.
It is amazing that the mind believes that it can push us to our demise with well trained judgment, criticism and harassment no matter what the body says. That’s where my voices need some serious team building.
When a part of me says no, we all should honor that and stand or sit back to listen to the warnings, Honoring each other is the way to a well-oiled human machine experience.
So today I will be listening to the pain in my backside “we need to stretch this out”, And then again hearing the screamer that says “I don’t want to exercise or stretch or do anything cuz it hurts!”
Let me be as easy as the bush branches in the window, waving in the spring breeze, letting the Breath of Heaven move it where it will. I will let Her have Her Way with me today once again.