Today I’m off giving a pitch to the new boss (“same as the old boss”?) to hire someone with managerial experience. It just seems logical to us on the ground floor and in the middle of this machine. But since it makes sense, I have to let go of even being heard, let alone anyone from a “higher” perspective seeing what I see, or believing what I believe.
Finally in life I recognize that I have a godness-given big mouth, that I am called to speak (one manifestation of what you see here). But on the other hand, I have this hysterical illusion that I know best–a recovering know-it-al. So an ongoing lesson is that I don’t, actually, know much at all. Remember the political party called the “know nothings?” Or was it “no nothings”. In any case, I identified early on with those guys.
I have been anointed. I can seep myself in the spread of goodness that surounds me. I am led by the Lady to soft fields, restful waters. She restores and refreshes my soul. Surely goodness and kindness will be all I speak, all I see, all I know. My cup thus runs over and over and over and over and over.