Wise energy

It’s frustrating that, with an addictive personality, I can’t get into regular exercise.  Why can’t we get addicted to what is good for us?  I suppose it doesn’t serve well as an escape from feelings–it increases our feelings of being good to myself, taking care of myself.  Alien ideas.

Ah to put on the idea of being wise with my energy like a scarf, wrapping it around me, yearning for that cozy comfort.  Perhaps if I am willing to be willing to allow that to happen, then with the Divine hit over the head in the middle of the night I could wake up and want to exercise, stretch, walk, run, dance till sweaty and work out.  I believe in the theory.

For now I will be good to myself as best I can, a little stretch here and there, a walk to the store.  A walk to the coffee shop for a hot caramel salted chocolate!  Nothing like bribing yourself to get to the path of wiser energy.

I am willing to be willing.